A lot of you might have gotten these questions from different people, every new year someone asks you what’s your plan for the year. I know it’s a disturbing question but it's ok
People believe that every year comes with new resolutions, some believe it's the year to concentrate in life because they feel they've wasted their time last year or have new friends and cut off some friends, well it doesn’t work that way, you can actually cut people off when you notice some weird changes or attitude they display, I can tell you that such toxic vibe can't add value to what you're planning for yourself
Cutting people off isn't a bad idea, rather know who and who deserves to be cut or to retain
Living your life comes with a lot of sacrifice, you make sacrifices to get where you wanna be, the way you live now determines the way you plan your future, don't let anyone frustrate your life, again never live your life for anyone
Plan your life in a system that works for you, either good or bad your explanation
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