I've made a YouTube vlog about how I navigate my life in Abuja. I think Abuja is one of the coolest, quietest cities to live in, but I have a problem with it; it's boring and less fun than Lagos. I really miss Lagos State, with its vibrant energy and bustling atmosphere even though Lagos is overpopulated and has a lot of upside down its still a happening place because everyone wants to live in Lagos, but I want you to know that Lagos is not the way Nollywood portrayed it to be, it's just a movie because you will hustle your ass out, Abuja has its diverse cultural scene and its lively nightlife. quiet life, and as an introverted person, I guess that is working for me, but I still miss that Lagos vibe and hanging out with a few friends. I enjoy exploring Abuja's art galleries, museums, and theaters, which contribute to its vibrant cultural scene.
"Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present."
On a beautiful sunny morning, while walking to work, you meet someone, who asked you for a small loan, months ago, but haven't paid back yet. He smiles at you, says a nice "good morning", and keeps walking.
How would you react in this situation?

You might think:
"What is he thinking? Does he think that I have amnesia?"
"He might at least show some respect, and say that he is doing his best to pay me back the loan."
The encounter with him might ruin your day. You'll probably keep thinking all day long about the friend and the loan you gave him, while feeling angry and resentful.
Every day, we go through many similar incidents. Some of them are easy to deal with, some are a bit unpleasant, and some are annoying, disturbing and sometimes, unbearable.
You need to make a choice.
You need to make a choice and stand by it, to accept to be unhappy or to choose to feel happy.
- You can choose to dwell on an unhappy event all day long. You may also choose to refuse to think about it, and focus on other events that make you feel happy and bring a smile to your face.
- You might have experienced unpleasantness. You might have suffered from some humiliation, disrespect or anger, but you do not have to let them influence your reactions and feelings.
- You might not be able to change people's behavior, but you can control your reactions, your response, and whether to let their behavior and their actions affect you.
If you let external events influence your moods, you will be at the mercy of these forces and influences. You will lose your inner poise and your happiness. You will allow your happiness to be determined by other people and by external influences.
Choose happiness, contentment and joy as a way of life.
Choose to be happy, and strive, no matter how difficult it might be, to reject, ignore and refuse to associate with unhappy thoughts and feelings.
This would require some effort on your part. Sometimes, you might fall back into the habit of dwelling on unhappiness, but gradually, you will learn to be happy and content.
Choose to free yourself from outer influences. Prefer happiness to unhappiness. It is your attitude that makes you feel happy or unhappy.
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